Friday, April 24, 2009

Another Kidnapping

I am taking my friends son again next Saturday, it should be really fun, he is three now so there is a little more we can do. It is kinda funny though because when she texted me to confirm the date I had been texting someone else and did not realize who sent the text and confused her and then also myself for a minute, but I explained what had happened and we worked it out. I actually haven't see her son since the last week in March, they moved and left my parents daycare because it is now way out of their way to take him there, and since I quit my job I don't see his mom as much but I was able to get this together and I am sure that if he knows what is going on that he is really excited it has been so long I am sure he will be so happy to see me next Saturday. I'm thinking of taking him to similar place but different cause of where he lives it is a lot farther from where we were last time, not end of the world to far but just far enough that I will be staying in his new city and not coming back to South Austin I mean Roundrocks not that far but it is also big enough to be able to find plenty of things to do.